We’ve developed a new podcast series called Ask a Health Expert. These podcasts supplement our newsletters, flyers, and other printed materials in our effort to share important COVID-19 information.
In the first podcast episode, Anthem Vice President Dr. John Whitney and Anthem Medical Director Dr. Geoffrey Crawford talk about COVID-19 vaccine safety.
The discussion topics include:
-Are the vaccines safe and who decides they are safe?
-Are the vaccines effective?
-What is the difference between vaccines?
-What is the v-safe app?
-What do we know about variants to the virus?
You can access this podcast and our latest COVID-19 resources, including an American Rescue Plan resource guide for Individual business, in our COVID-19 Resource Toolkit (upstate/downstate) for brokers and employers. Bookmark the toolkit and be sure to visit often. We hope the toolkit makes it easier for you to support clients facing challenges brought on by COVID-19.